Thursday, December 6, 2007

Oklahoma Bucks National Trend, Home Prices Rise!

The Atchley Group wanted to share the GOOD NEWS for the Oklahoma housing market that doesn't seem to get the media it deserves.

Government reports are showing Oklahoma's residential real estate market is NOT reflective of what is going on in the national scene where there is declining home prices in much of the country. According to reports from the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight released last week, home prices increased 2.12 percent in Oklahoma in the July/September period compared with the previous quarter and were up 5.54 percent for the year.

Yes, nationwide home prices have dipped which is the first quarterly decline in 13 years. The same report states that Oklahoma showed a relatively low number of foreclosure filings, amounting to about 1 percent of total households over the last five quarters. Economist Andrew Leventis from the agency said it best, "Some of the price correction we are seeing is an unraveling of excessive price growth that occured earlier. Many of the areas we are seeing the decline are the same areas that had posted the largest increases a couple of years ago during the housing boom."

What do you want to learn from the Atchley Group? Real estate is a local market!

Call us to get details that are about your home, your neighborhood, your school district -- research about how your home stacks up to the market that exist locally is the only way to determine if this IS the BEST time to make a move. Call 330-2626 and ask for a member of the Gary Atchley team at Keller Williams Realty to discuss your options.