Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Preparing for Showings

Are you selling your home in Edmond, Deer Creek, or the Oklahoma City Area? Use this handy checklist to prepare for each showing to help your home show better and sell faster! Thinking about selling? Call The Gary Atchley Group today to speak to one of our real estate experts about listing your home! Call 330-2626 and ask for The Atchley Group!

  • Clean all appliances, sinks and countertops
  • Remove magazines, books and other personal items from all surfaces. Organize mail, magazines and newspapers. Be clutter free!

  • Clear off kitchen counters, make sure there are no dishes in the sink

  • Vacuum and sweep the floors

  • Make all beds and put away any laundry that is out

  • Empty waste baskets and trash if visible

  • In the yard: Remove or organize all children’s toys, garden tools and hoses

  • During daylight open all draperies, shades, and blinds. Natural light is at the top of most buyers' wish lists.

  • Clean and freshen bathrooms, put toilet seat lids down and fold towels

  • Pets should be out of sight or taken with you. Any pet beds, bowls or cat boxes should be removed as well.

  • Tidy up closets, especially the floor area (makes them look bigger)

  • Leave lights on if after dark

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