Monday, October 13, 2008

Showing your home with kids around!

I have a 10 month old and I can't for the life of me figure out how to get the whole house clean at the same time! I get one room finished and by the time I get to the next room, she's destroyed the room I just finished! So, if your house is on the market, and you can have a showing at a moment's notice, how do you get it clean in a hurry? I know that my house is cluttered with "baby stuff." The swing, the bouncy seat, the walker...they're all over the place! Here are a few suggestions to help out with this problem:

1. Try to keep the baby stuff in the baby's room, even if you have to move them several times a day.
2. Have decorative baskets in the family room or other living areas that you can throw the toys into in a pinch.
3. Keep out only what you truly need to have out. Store away the things that aren't used often.
4. Dump the diaper pail before the showing, just a good idea no matter what!
5. Don't forget to clean the bathtub area, I know that right now there are bath toys, washcloths and a big duck bath in my tub.
6. Make sure that when the photographer comes to move the toys completely out of the picture. Put them in the closet or just out of view.
7. If anything folds up to make it smaller, be sure to do that, any extra space in the home helps!

I know it won't be easy to keep things perfect, but hopefully it will be just for a little while! If you need help selling your home, please leave a comment on the blog or call us at 405-330-2626 and ask for the Atchley Group. We sell homes in the Oklahoma City, Edmond, Deer Creek and Piedmont areas!

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