Monday, February 13, 2012

The Atchley Group's Valentine Gift Ideas

  • Collect a variety of inexpensive sweet smelling candles such as cinnamon, apple, strawberry, coffee, cookies or cake. You can also include a read handled lighter tied with a small bow that matches a bigger bow around the edge of the basket.

  • Find a new or used fondue set (thrift stores have them all the time!) Arrange in large basket with fresh berries or a seasonal fruit, angle food cake and chocolate for melting.

  • Put together the ingredients for a romantic dinner for two... or a whole family. For example, you can include gourmet pasta and a jar of your favorite marinara sauce with some French baguettes.

  • Give a valentine gift basket that is sure to get used. Purchase several pairs of new underwear or boxers in fancy or sassy styles. Fold and roll each pair and pack into the basket with the rolls standing on end. Slightly poof out each top to look like a flower blossom.

  • For your spouse or loved one, purchase a small photo album or scrapbook, pretty paper & special stickers to create a memory book of your relationship. Get all the supplies together in the valentine gift basket including scissors, photo safe glue or tape and plenty of pictures of the two of you. At the top of the basket put an invitation to join you for an hour or two of preserving loving memories.

  • Find a large red bucket and fill it with car washing supplies and fun new items for the car like a romantic CD (once again, check the thrift store - We find some of the best music there), homemade air freshener, bottle of Dawn dish soap, etc. Be sure to include a red or pink sponge cut into a... heart shape of course.

  • For a young girl or woman, choose a variety of sweet or flavored lip glosses to put in a miniature basket.

  • The last valentine gift basket idea is a low cost way to present a very special gift. Put a couple of snack foods in the basket, but ahead of time rig one of the packages with a special prize Carefully open one package (Cracker Jacks or a box of Junior Mints would work well) and insert a gift certificate or tickets to an event, then reseal the package to make the surprise complete.

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