Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Even A 14-Year Old Knows It's Time to Buy

We try to give our readers great real estate information each and every day. This information is usually in the form of analysis of the most current reports and studies on housing. We almost never use anecdotal stories. Today, we are making an exception because we were moved by this story.

Willow Tufano is a 14 year old who lives in Florida. One thing that differentiates her from her friends is that she just bought her first house, a rental property. She bought it with her mother, but anted up her fair share with money she saved for over a year by selling free items she had previously found and fixed up.

The area was hard hit by the housing crisis and Willow and her mother were able to buy the home which was once valued at $100,000 for just $12,000. Why would a 14 year old even consider buying a property?

She is using her half of the rent they charge ($700) to pay back her mom for the second half of the house and the renovations they put into the house. Willow says she’ll have it all paid off in six years. Then she’ll keep the house as a source of income.

“It was definitely a lot of inspiration from my mom and my grandma,” Tufano said. Her mom is a successful real estate agent who owns several investment properties.

Keeping Current Matters 3/20/2012

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