Monday, July 16, 2012

Know Anyone Born In July?

People born between June 22 and July 22 are often compassionate, resourceful, tenacious and imaginative. Fiercely protective and nurturing, they are family-oriented and also inclined to take in strays.
They also tend to be trustworthy and responsible. They are usually good prospects as business partners, as well as for friendships and romantic relationships.

Business Sense

They have a lot of common sense and a practical outlook on life, which makes them good business people and shrewd investors. They have a talent for making money and investing it wisely. Many people in this category start successful businesses and most have a lot of good business ideas. Businesses involving liquids, food, hospitality, children, animals or boats are particularly favored.

Passionate and Protective

Many of the people born during this time are quick to blow up and quick to forgive. They are aggressively protective of friends and family, and will not tolerate anyone saying bad things about those they love. Although they are usually gentle, they can turn ferocious when threatened and show a surprising amount of physical and emotional strength. They are fiercely protective of the weak and vulnerable, and many take in and nurture strays. These folks are particularly good with vulnerable adults, animals and children, able to intuit their needs and provide the support they require.


Most people born in this month need a mate, a nest and children to make their lives complete. Their placid, giving natures often create marital harmony, though some freedom-loving individuals might find love smothering. Unless the ascendant is in a more fickle sign, Cancers tend to be loyal, not only to lovers, family and friends, but also to their countries of origin, which manifests as a fierce patriotism.
Most of these people are homebodies, but they are also sociable with those close to them (though some are painfully shy outside of their inner circles). Although they prefer to live with others, these others are generally close friends and family members rather than casual acquaintances.


These people have a tendency to spoil their mates, children and animals. They are often the ones to take care of various extended family members as well and often, they need to be needed.
However, some people born during this time devote their entire lives to their mates and their children at the expense of developing their own talents. This can lead to a martyr complex if they’re not careful.

Extremely Sensitive

People born during this month usually overreact to criticism because words can wound them more deeply than blows. They may seem tough or crabby, but this is a mask designed to hide their vulnerability from others. They are prone to worry and moodiness and their tension may be experienced as a stomach upset, heart palpitations or tightness in the chest.
Some of them grow depressed as a result of the self-pity that comes from dwelling on real or imagined slights. Interestingly, they have a tendency to complain a lot about minor problems but meet major traumas with quiet stoicism. These folks can withstand physical hardship but they have trouble with emotional hardship.

Intuitive and Empathic

People born during this time are highly intuitive. Many of them have a strong, almost psychic link with at least one family member, if not all of them. In general, they tend to be good at assessing the moods and feelings of others and offering comfort if needed.
In general, they are very empathic and quick to comfort those who are sick and suffering. Many of them get taken advantage of by unscrupulous people because they can be quite gullible and eager to help.

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