Wednesday, November 14, 2012

10 Reasons Why You May Want To Sell Your Home In November and December

10 Reasons Why You May Want To Sell Your Home In November and December
1. Your home will show well when it’s decorated for Thanksgiving and Christmas. The magic of the holidays and the warmth of the seasons make your home more appealing.
2. Many companies manage their budget on the calendar year and transfer their employees during January, which make November and December prime looking months for them.
3. The buyers looking in your town, from your town might just be looking for a gift for the whole, entire family.
4. If someone is out looking for a home during this time of year, he/she tends to be a more serious buyer.
5. Your quantity of buyers through your home may dwindle, but the quality of your buyer prospects will increase exponentially.
6. There is less competition among sellers during this time of the year, giving you the opportunity to negotiate a better price for your home with fewer options available for buyers.
7. It’s your home. Set showing dates and times when it works best for you and your family. Give yourself time to enjoy the holidays and still show your home.
8. Lenders have buyers who need to buy homes to grab a good rate before the year ends…especially if rates go up during November.
9. Again, it’s your home…no need to do any open houses if you don’t want to.
10. Since many of the people looking at your home would want to close after the holidays, you’re likely going to be able to pack after the holidays and move at a time that works for everyone.

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