Monday, January 12, 2009

My Kitchen

When you live in a smaller home like I do, it's hard to get everything you need into a room without it looking too cluttered. That's my main worry about my house, I don't want things to look cluttered. For example, this weekend I started in the kitchen and took everything off the counters, cleaned everything really well and then decided what I really needed on the counters and what I didn't use very often. Just doing that one simple thing really made a difference! It made me have so much more counter space and also made everything look so much cleaner! Our kitchen has gone through a major transformation. Here are the before and after pictures. The picture below is the kitchen before we even moved in. I think I took this while I was in the house for the inspection. It didn't look bad, but just wasn't my style.

The picture below is kind of during mid-transformation. I had finished painting the cabinets, and walls but the old linoleum flooring was still down and look how cluttered the counters look!

This is my kitchen just taken this morning. We had the old floors taken up and new tile put down. So much better! I completely finished the cabinets and hardware and we put up some backsplash because I thought everything looked too white! I would love to have new counter tops, but they're a little expensive!

If you want any tips on how to de-clutter your home or how to stage it for sale, please call The Atchley Group, we'd love to help you! Call 33-2626 and ask for The Atchley Group!

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